On Urgency, here’s an article that reminded me of its importance. Any day could be my last, and would I die satisfied at the things I’ve done?https://www.huffpost.com/entry/life-is-short_b_3475083
Discipline is an important ingredient to a successful life. I encourage myself to keep being consistent with the little good habit’s I'm forming because that consistency will spill into larger tasks and responsibilities. Here’s a useful resource, a summary of the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Shop the book here.
I understand compromise to be any decision that puts health, safety and finances of people at risk. An enduring legacy has to be free from compromise of that nature.
Focus and responsibility go hand in hand. Constantly thinking about taking care of my parents, nieces, nephews and siblings fills me with excitement and hunger for enduring success.
Here’s to growth, purpose and financial independence.