On doing the barest minimum, procrastination, and using social media to learn.
I switched it up to 10mins.
The barest minimum makes up compound effects needed to bring real positive change. It’s not possible to be inconsistent with things like working out and expect rock-hard abs to suddenly pop up. With the mindset of doing the barest minimum, you’re set free to switch up your efforts above and beyond the actual minimum, knowing that those long hours and painful sacrifices will soon give the desired results.
Procrastination has to be faced with honesty, courage and speed. I always like to place in my mind’s eye, the kind of person I need to become in order to successfully manage fame, wealth and influence. Beyoncé is no procrastinator, might be armed with a dozen teams but she gets shit done. Utilize the resources you have such as the Microsoft to-do app and go from there. Might take a long time to master but don’t give up.
I recently started joining spaces, a twitter feature with a semblance of ClubHouse, the audio group chat app currently available on only iOS for now. Boy have I learnt a lot, especially with regards to happenings in the North, resistance to a widespread acceptance of tech in the Nigerian Health care space and a whole lot more. My perspectives are broader now and I’m grateful for that. There needs to be some personal ‘rule of engagement’ for my use of social media because I find myself being ‘extra’ just for follow backs, likes and retweets. That’s absolutely the ghetto bruv, focus on building a healthy level of curiosity, be intentional about your connections and you’ll find out that the few people you’re able to connect with are worth a hundred.
Life is a journey my man, embrace it and crush it.