I just watched Pinocchio, the animated movie from Disney, and here are some lessons I got from it.
- Pinocchio messed up the first time by lying about where he was but the lovely fairy gave him another opportunity to do better. That fairy reminds me of Yeshua, my beautiful friend, and source of strength.
I disobeyed him recently by believing a lie and going with it but He still loves me and believes that I can do better, even though going through pain, and natural consequences. - The red fox and his assistant also remind me of the enemy, who just as the fox did to Pinocchio, presents alternatives to what God has planned for us. In Pinocchio’s case, he was expected to attend school. As mouth watering as the alternatives Satan presents to me may seem, it doesn’t compare to the PEACE, JOY and a DEEP sense of satisfaction OBEYING God brings. I know what it’s like to believe a lie and live with it for many years.
- I think of the whale as the Devil too. But when father as Pinocchio fondly called him noticed his overgrown ears and rather long tails, he refused to dwell on what Pinocchio might’ve done to bring consequences like that on himself. Instead, he expressed his joy in a heartfelt way that Pinocchio was alive and well.
- In the end, Pinocchio proved not to take the forgiveness, love and assurance he had received for granted by getting his dad, Mr. Conscience, the dog and the gold fish out of the whale’s belly, to safety.
Having showed courage, truth, and unselfishness he was rewarded with the gift of becoming a real boy. Produced in 1940, the story of Pinocchio still remains relevant today.